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MarketMix Marketing Conference


Become a Sponsor of the Marketing Workshops at MarketMix

Grow Your Business with the AMA Puget Sound

Support the marketing community and grow your network 


There is no substitute for face time. Connect with fellow marketers, experts in the field and potential customers and clients by showing you are at the forefront of branding at the biggest marketing event in the Pacific Northwest, MarketMix 2019. For over 14 years, this conference has brought together over 300 marketers to connect, network, and learn from marketing experts.


As an AMA sponsor, you become a trusted resource for our audience. We offer opportunities to align your thought leadership to AMA content, gain high-level exposure at events, and put your brand where prospects can find you easily


To find out more about specific levels of sponsorships, please view our Sponsorship Outline.  We are super excited to have your support and are open to discussing any ideas of how you might benefit from being involved. For further inquiries and/or questions, please contact Kirsti Rochon, the MarketMix 2019 Sponsorship Chair, at Kirsti@kirstirochondesign.com or 206.854.8256.


MarketMix Marketing Conference

