Local Chapters
There are 13 local chapters across the Golden State, which provide grassroots services, networking, and legislative support where our members live and work. Our statewide board of directors includes the presidents and presidents elect from each chapter, and our executive team employs a committee approach to leadership initiatives, which helps us deliver effective results our members can not only count upon, but be a part of.

Central California
To provide information, education and leadership to health insurance professionals in their roles as advocates for consumers and choice.

Desert Cities
The Desert Cities Association of Health Underwriters (DCAHU) was officially formed as a separate local chapter of NABIP in 2009 by a dedicated group of professionals determined to bring the benefits of the industry's premier agents' trade association to the health insurance agents and brokers in the low desert and the Coachella Valley, as well as all of Riverside County.
However, since 1998, there has been a local desert group of Health Underwriters functioning as a satellite chapter of IEAHU (Inland Empire AHU) , with its own board of directors and local meetings and events in the Coachella Valley. And in 2009, this dedicated group of health insurance and brokers evolved into is own desert chapter of NABIP.
DCAHU now boasts a membership of some 70 agents, brokers, and industry representatives. DCAHU is one of 15 local chapters in the state of California, and across the nation.

Golden Gate
The Golden Gate Association of Health Underwriters is an organization of insurance professionals committed to promoting ethical interests of the industry by acting as a resource for both employers and consumers, and by providing continuing education, legislative advocacy and consumer education.

Inland Empire
The Inland Empire Association of Health Underwriters was formed in 1990 by a dedicated group of professionals determined to bring the benefits of one of the industry's premier agent's associations to the health insurance agents and brokers of Riverside and San Bernardino Counties. IEAHU now boasts a membership of some 200 agents, brokers, and is one of many local chapters in the state of California, and across the nation.

Los Angeles
LAAHU helps our members succeed by providing the tools they need in today’s changing healthcare industry. LAAHU helps members better serve their clients, improve their communities, and grow their businesses through insightful educational programs, active legislative advocacy in Sacramento and Washington, DC, powerful networking opportunities, and leadership in the state and national associations.

North Coast
One of the most important to all of us agents is the legislation NABIP has sponsored to remove broker commissions from the Medical Loss Ratio.If we are able to get this passed our industry and the consumer will be well served. For your own preservation (as an agent anyway) and well being NCAHU urge you once again to support NABIP’s efforts by contributing to NABIP PAC.

North Valley
The North Valley Chapter of CAHU represents Northern California areas such as Chico, Redding, Eureka. Lewiston and Mt. Shasta.

Orange County
Our association is a local chapter of the National Association of Benefits and Insurance Professionals (NABIP). The role of OCAHU is to promote and encourage the association of professionals in the health insurance field for the purpose of educating, promoting effective legislation, sharing information and advocating fair business practices among our members, the industry and the general public.

SAHU is the Sacramento chapter of the California Agents and Health Insurance Professionals and National Association of Benefits and Insurance Professionals (CAHIP and NABIP) where members benefit from advocacy, education and professional development in providing health insurance services. Our Vision is that every American will have access to personalized solutions for health, financial and retirement security using the services of local insurance professionals.

San Diego
To promote the role of the agent, educate our membership, represent consumer interests, influence legislation and promote fair and ethical business practices through the Association of Health and Disability Insurance Professionals.

Santa Barbara
Our association is a local chapter of the California Agents and Health Insurance Professionals (CAHIP) which is affiliated with the National Association of Benefits and Insurance Professionals (NABIP), which has over 17,000 agent and carrier representative members nationwide. Please visit the CAHIP and NABIP websites - They provide fabulous resources, legislation updates and educational opportunities, as well as ways for you to become involved!
CAHIP, affiliated with the SBAHU's purpose is to provide support, resources, and educational opportunities to our local health underwriters, and to represent the mission of CAHIP and NABIP.

Silicon Valley
The Silicon Valley Association of Health Underwriters, California's Benefit Specialists, is an organization of insurance professionals committed to promoting the ethical interest of our industry. We do this by providing continuing education for our members and their clients and act as consumer advocates with legislative leaders at both the Federal and State Level.

Ventura County
VCAHU’s Mission is to provide local support to our members and our community by meeting their health, financial and retirement security needs through education, legislative and consumer advocacy, and professional development.