We need your help. CAHIP is gearing up for a very heavy year of legislative and regulatory action. At moment’s notice, we may need your help communicating CAHIP’s position on critical issues. To make CAHIP’s “one voice” as effective and efficient as possible we have a simple, online system – VoterVoice.
Log in to learn more and make your voice heard!
Adopt-a-Legislator Program
Every CAHIP member should “adopt” his/her elected representatives (State Assembly, State Senator, federal Congressional representative, U.S. Senator). “Adopting” means developing a personal relationship with the elected representative and his/her staff. It also means meeting with the legislators in their district and capitol offices and acting as citizen lobbyists at CAHIP’s Day at the Capitol and NABIP’s Day on the Hill each year.
- Find Your Legislator - State Assembly (PDF)
- Find Your Legislator - State Senate (PDF)
- Find Your Legislator - US House of Representatives (PDF)
- Log a Legislative Visit Here! - Members Only!
There are many ways to get involved in our legislative advocacy program, and make no mistake about it - your active participation is critical and greatly appreciated. Monetary contributions to our state and national Political Action Committees, CAHIP PAC and NABIP PAC are the lifeblood of our success and need not be spectacular to make a difference. We also need boots on the ground in your local communities, as well as your input and insights about issues that affect our clients and their families. Please see below and explore these are the many other ways you can help us make a difference on behalf of health care consumers.