The Medicare Advantage open enrollment period allows beneficiaries to make a change ONLY if they are enrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan.
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Did you know that Medicare GEP creates an SEP in to Part D with UHC?
January 1 – March 31 every year any Medicare eligible that has not activated Part B, has the opportunity to do so. The effective date of Part B will be July 1st and create a Guarantee Issue in to any carriers Medicare Supplement plan for 7/1. Keep in mind that they will receive a 10% penalty for every 12 month period they went without Part B coverage when they should have had it..
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Say Hello to IRMAA. Now Try to Say Goodbye.
Most people on Medicare now pay $148.50/month for Part B. But, there is an additional component that can boost that monthly cost to as high as $582/month per person. It is called the Income Related Monthly Adjustment Amount, or IRMAA.
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growing your MEDICARE business from home
As we persevere through this global pandemic we are fortunate to be involved in a line of business that continues to experience growth daily. Although we may be Shut In, Seniors are still aging in to the tune of over 1,000 a day in our state. We must adapt to grow and grasp on to technology made available to us like never before. The age group we serve has been identified at the highest risk for this virus and it’s imperative for their safety and ours to adapt and assist. Because of this we are dedicating a section of our site to the Medicare broker. The information here will assist the novice and expert as we’ve tapped in to top producing NABIP members in our field to contribute content to meet the need of the California Medicare eligible.